Hasn't been too many months ago since we passed this milestone!
And then we were on to the next step. We all agreed that a 4-year college wasn't the best step. He loves history and art, but school - not so much. He had signed up for Aviation Maintenance on the Community College website (because someone told him it might be fun?) Then he thought about becoming an Electrician. My ADHD son around electricity didn't sound like the best career path, so we suggested Machine Tools. He seems to have an eye for seeing details that others don't.
One day, shortly after graduation we were shopping at one of those large warehouse chains when we ran into our Cubmaster from long ago, along with his wife and youngest son. I knew that he worked for a company that employed machinists, so I told him of the decision we were looking at: Electrician vs Machinist. With a little encouragement from his wife. ;-), Mr. P offered to take the graduate to work with him one day and show him around. Later in the week, they did just that, and the boy returned home certain of what he wanted to do...Machine Tools, it was! He scheduled his classes that afternoon on the Community College website. He even texted his schedule to Mr. P, who had said they might be able to find something for him to do part time at his company.
All was well until about 3 weeks ago, when the community college called and said that his classes wouldn't start until the spring. Now what? Well, look for work, I suppose. Once again he contacted Mr. P, but he didn't hear anything in reply. Then about a week ago, the community college called again and said he could reschedule his classes. Oh, and by the way tuition was due. So we took care of that. This kid took the money out of his savings and checking accounts to pay the tuition because he said he knew he'd do better if it was his money.
Then Sunday, Mr. P's wife called me. "P's boss is trying to get in touch with B....make sure he calls him," she said. He called yesterday and scheduled the interview for today. "I think I got the job," he texted me. It's a full time job, starting Monday, if he passes his physical. "On the job training for this kind of job is better than school," he says. A part of us is programmed to say, "You HAVE to go to school." But he is going to see about a tuition refund tomorrow.
He is excited and looking forward to this new chapter. I am, too. That's what we do as parents...raise productive members of society. But I suppose, though, this is kind of a signal that childhood and all that entailed is wrapping up real fast. I'm a little sad about that. But glad that we are moving forward.
Daily Rome Shot 1256 – moving experience
12 hours ago