Oh...how I am missing my laptop. The screen has stopped working. So my options for blogging are to use the desktop or to disconnect the monitor from the desktop and connect it to the laptop (which pretty much turns the laptop into a desktop - just in a different location). But the desktop is so old and slow, and it has no slot to put the SD card from my camera....
It makes blogging harder than it should be. And my iPad - as much as I love it - is still not a fully functioning computer. There are some things that it just does not do and interacting easily with Blogger is one of those things. And posting pictures....still haven't figured that out.
My THIRTY year high school reunion is coming up at the end of this month! I went ahead and pre-registered. My high school was such a neat place.
(Image from http://www.waymarking.com )
It was built in 1925, and has undergone major renovations during the past 2 years. It was a special place to be then, and I am excited to see how it has been updated. I have memories of climbing out of windows and eating lunch on the front lawn. When I attended there in the late 70's/early 80's the curriculum had been changed to a magnet format that attracted those interested in academics and fine arts. Our football, baseball, and basketball teams had been discontinued, but we had gymnastics, cross country, and fencing that no one could touch! No cheerleaders, but classical ballet and full scale dramatic productions. Radio and TV stations. German, Russian, Latin, French and Spanish. No marching band, but vocal music, orchestras and jazz bands...sometimes playing at lunch. It was a whole high school of the Geek Squad!
We came from hellacious middle school experiences (judging from this past week's Facebook postings) from all over the parish (the Louisiana equivalent of county). Some of us arrived our freshman year knowing no one. But I think the overwhelming majority of us found acceptance and freedom. Because of that acceptance that I found then, I am not too nervous about our reunion. We were generally drama free, even if we didn't move in the same circles.
A picture of me and my BFF - probably our Senior year. I would guess that it is before school, and we are sitting in front of our locker on the third floor, outside of French class doing last minute homework. I am the stick-figure on the right!
This is a picture of us 20-some-odd years later.... I'm a little sad that she won't be at the reunion...that darn vow of enclosure thing.
But at least a few from our gang will be there. There is a walking tour of the school scheduled for Saturday morning, and then some of us will be meeting for lunch. A big shin dig that evening, and that makes me the most nervous. What if my purse doesn't match my shoes? I don't like make-up and never wear it. Should I make an exception? What about my hair? It so has a mind of its own, Should I buy a new dress or just go with one of the two in my closet? Sigh.
A picture of our gang. ^^^ My BFF is second from the left. I think the two on the right will be with us on Saturday, plus a couple of others. We determined that this was taken the morning of graduation rehearsal (probably with my Kodak Instamatic!) Don't we look ready to take on the world??
So anyway...no real point to my ramblings. Just recording, documenting, putting the little bit of nervousness and anticipation out there!
Anyone else with reunion anticipation??
Daily Rome Shot 1256 – moving experience
15 hours ago
That is a beautiful school!