Slowly I got moving. Kid #2 wanted to look for a guide to his new video game. We visited 2 different stores, but went 0 for 2. I figured if Gamestop didn't have it, it was probably senseless to make the trip to WalMart (true penance in my opinion).
I mentioned to the kids about going to confession one weekend soon, with today being an option. Usually we treat ourselves to chick-fil-a or ice cream afterwards, but tonight we had a Boy Scout banquet to attend. One said he'd wait until next weekend, and after the other realized that the banquet would postpone the chick-fil-a outing, he decided he'd wait, too. That was fine. I'd had plans on going since earlier in the week, and sometimes I can be more tuned in to the sacrament, if they are not with me.
So I got ready and went. As I have started Lent, there were some things that I realized that I needed to bring to God, so that is what I did. It is a paradox, but sinfulness is turned into grace in that sacrament. There are so many paradoxes, but that's a post for another time. Anyway, I had an idea of what I wanted to say, of what was tugging at my heart, and I did my best. Wasn't the most eloquent of confessions, as I kind of searched for words and a way to wrap it all up, but the good Father waited patiently and understood what I was getting at. His advice was both practical and encouraging. I didn't feel the huge weight lifting when I left - and often I don't - but as I sat in the pew with my penance, peace descended. The penances he assigns are never the "say three Our Father's" variety, and this was no exception. They are always "remedial" - something to give you a start on fixing the problem or changing the situation or correcting the damage done. Often the penance is as helpful as his advice. And so it goes.
I stayed for Mass, and since confessions are over at 3:30 and Mass doesn't start until 4:00, there was plenty of time for thought and reflection. Always good.
And now I am home. The end of a day. How do weekends zip by so fast??
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