Tuesday, May 10, 2011

the end is near

The end of the school year...and of spring, it seems.  There are 11 or 12 days left of school.  Every year, this is easily the most stressful part of the year.  This year, I thought I was doing good.  I held my last IEP meeting today.  I picked the date for Honors night a month ago, and sent out the papers for teachers to list their awards a couple of weeks ago.  Yet everything comes to a point at the same time.

Our annual scout po-boy sale is this weekend.  I must remember to order 1100 buns tomorrow.  Honors Night is Wednesday and there are still cakes and trophies to order.  Paperwork at school is due.  Stuff that has slacked throughout the year has to be caught up.  Grades have to be inputted.  My 8th grader needs a haircut before graduation.  Paperwork needs to dropped off at the credit union so our loan can continue on its merry way.  Grandkids are coming this weekend.

I had a faculty meeting this morning.  They could have just emailed me all of the dates and saved me the trouble of being there 40 minutes early.  I missed my time with God this morning.  I thought I would go this evening, but my child needed help with his English paper.  The phone has been steadily ringing and now my offspring is in my room, playing Words With Friend on his iPod one moment and texting on his phone the next.  

God and I did continue our conversation yesterday...the one about what He wants for me to leave behind...  It was a little clearer to me, but I think it will be an ongoing conversation. 

A couple of spiritual nuggets:  Let us seek the God of all consolations, rather than the consolations of our God. ~ St. Augustine....in other words, Seek God for Himself. ~ Good Monsignor

And a few things that I thought were noteworthy from a Mother's Day Prayer Breakfast that I attended on Saturday:

The Four Stages of Prayer
  • Talking AT God....ready-made prayers like the Rosary
  • Talking TO God....sharing our hearts with God
  • Listening to God...through scriptures, friends, good homilies, etc
  • Resting in God...wordless contemplation of the holiness of God
You must SIT with God every day. (not walk, not drive, SIT)

As long as I agree to be with God, God agrees to be with me.  (Pretty sweet, isn't it?)

So, tomorrow, since I don't have any stupid meetings, I will agree to go and be with God, to sit with Him....listening, maybe resting. 

Lord, help me finish it all. 


  1. Karen: I know how you feel. I wish you can feel some joy right now, but I know how hard it is when you are bone tired. Mental health day? Catch up on sleep and prayer?

  2. Oh gosh....I often listen to a Rosary CD while driving. Love that God agrees to be with me!!

  3. 11 or 12 days? You don't know for sure??? (LOL!) We have 6, but I only have 5 because I'm not working the last day. Isn't it a relief to have the meetings over and done with?
    I've started saying the Rosary on my way to work...probably not the best because I can't really meditate on the mysteries, but it gives me some quiet time.
