Just didn't seem like too much to write about this weekend. Not sure why I'm writing about it now...
Friday night found me at an Ornament Exchange Party hosted by one of my mom-friends. It was a crowd of a lot of teachers from several different schools. The food was delicious, the company was good, the evening was fun, and everyone left with an ornament. The only drawback was my attempt to park on the street. In the dark, I did not see the storm drain / catch basin on the curb. I hit it with my tire, and when I got out of the car I could hear a gentle Sssssssss. So not a good thing. One of the other partiers volunteered that she had roadside assistance on her phone plan and offered to call. She did, and within a half hour or so, a young man came and changed my tire. Unfortunately Saturday morning found me at the tire store buying a new one.
Let's see: cookies for the party, $8.99.....2 cute snowmen ornaments, $3.99 each and 20% off, 1 new tire, $113.00 + change... Wait - something's supposed to be priceless...
What was priceless was kid #1. His school hosted a dance the same evening. Previously he has not been very enthused about school dances, having attended only one in 6th grade, which he declared to be a tremendous waste of his time! But he has discovered something this year: G-I-R-L-S! and he was really looking forward to the dance. I was glad to find when I picked him up that he had a good time. Even though some of the girls weren't really excited about dancing with him, no one refused him. He came to me with his shirt and said, "Mom, smell. You can smell the 'girl smell!'" That was probably priceless. But I am so not ready for this girl thing.
Saturday afternoon was confession and Mass. There was an actual LINE at confession. I almost forgot what I had to say by the time I got in there - had to look at my list! But it was good to see some other sinners. We celebrated after Mass with Chick-Fil-A. And while the boys filled up on chicken nuggets, I had a peppermint chocolate chip shake to go along with my meal. You only live once, and it was worth it!
Someone's cell phone went off during the quietest part of Mass - apparently not for the first time. That was awkward. Father refused to continue Mass until the offending phone was removed from the church. I didn't know whether to pray for him or the cell phone owner. Maybe both.
Sunday passed in a whirl. The Saints are 13-0!! I wrapped some Christmas presents. Lesson plans. Math homework. Laundry. Cleaning the kitchen. Lighting the Advent wreath.
And now I guess you know why there was nothing very exciting to blog.
Daily Rome Shot 1263 – so it begins
1 hour ago
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