Yesterday was a busy day. Mass, getting the kids to school, haircut, picking up uniform shorts for my child who has refused to wear shorts for the past three years, grabbing some items at WalMart, and sitting tethered to a phone for 30 minutes while on hold with the IRS. Mass is truly the best part of any day. I'm not sure I like my haircut. Maybe it will grow on me. I want something different, I'm just not sure what it is. Dear child has worn the same 3 pairs of uniform pants for the past 2 years, so I figured if he wanted shorts with 30 days of school left, the money was in the clothing budget. Hopefully they will still fit him in August. I met a friend for a Zumba class in the morning. Supposedly you can burn 1000 calories in an hour. I assure you that I did not. I am not very coordinated when my feet have to do one thing and other body parts have to do another. I went back and did my regular workout in the evening. And the IRS... well, the good news is that our return is not lost. The bad news has been referred to the Department for Further Review, and they don't really work on any certain time table.
I also found time to go by the adoration chapel. I love that time. In the conversation with God, I think I was doing most of the talking. I wrote as I "talked", but I don't think I came up with many answers. I feel like God is fairly silent in my life right now. I know He is there. I see His footprints all around me. I know he was speaking to me last week in the homily snippets I posted, so it's not even fair to say that He's silent - just not talking directly to me? Maybe more like "on vacation". I went back today with the sole purpose of listening.. I ended up with this:
A little lopsided, but I am not an artist, and I have no delusions about my lack of artistic ability. Not at all sure of what I heard while I was sketching. It did help block out some of the distractions. Or maybe it was a distraction in and of itself. It is frustrating not to get answers. Or then again, maybe I'm getting answers, but not hearing them.
I have a conscientious objector child on my hands. Not sure where he came from. Yesterday, all 150 or so kids in the Junior High part of their school went to see the movie "Oceans" in honor of Earth Day. All of the Junior High kids except one of mine. He said he had seen the previews and it looked like a bunch of liberal propaganda, and it was not worth $9 to see it. He insisted that he did NOT want to go. So he stayed behind and wrote an essay about "Why Oceans Are Good" or some such thing and emptied the recycling bins around school. He explained to the assistant principal, who was reading his essay that "C.S" was kind of like "B.S." but with chickens. I don't think she was amused. This has always been my shy, quiet child. I always worried that he would be a follower. With this, he never doubted that he was doing the right thing or cared what the others would think. Of course, he noted with pleasure, that the kids who went said that the movie "sucked".
Mother-in-law ended up in the hospital today after starting the morning off weak and disoriented. We suspected a stroke at first, but they have diagnosed some type of infection - possibly pneumonia. I visited tonight, and she seemed in good spirits and appeared to be feeling much better.
I have decided that school is like a giant game of Survivor. Outlast, Outwit, Outplay. I know I can Outlast. I am nothing, if not stubborn. Not sure about the others, though.
The days that I have off when the kids have to go to school are HEAVEN! It just doesn't happen very often. Maybe God is just letting you talk and see if you can work it out? Hang in there! We only have 4 more Mondays! :D