How does it fly by so fast? This weekend, though, I have the sense that much as been accomplished.
Friday evening was spent driving a group of boys to Boy Scout camp. Wish it had been part of my plans; I really didn't mind, but I left my sunglasses in the other car... My friend - one of the other moms - rode along with me, so the conversation was good.
Saturday morning - top priority was some quiet time with the Lord. It was badly needed and productive, I think. I shuffled some dirt around in my garden; pulled out weeds (and was hit with the confession analogy of pulling the "weeds" out of the garden of our soul - by the roots of course!), planted a few new things. Some garlic, a cayenne pepper plant, some onions, and some cantaloupe seeds.
I went to Mass Saturday evening. I like the 4:00 Mass. It is the "old people" Mass, but I just like the "feel" of it. The homilies sometimes go a little deeper. It was Palm Sunday and the homily was about Obedience - the one word that sums up the whole week that is to come.
I got most of the laundry done on Saturday. Dear hubby and I went shopping at WalMart that evening. It wasn't a long drawn out trip and since my hip hurt for some reason most of the day on Saturday, I was glad that it was short.
Sunday, hubby and I went to 8:30 Mass. That's his favorite time to go, and when I can, I go with him. He likes it because there aren't as many people and it is "faster". By the time we got home, it was time to pick up my boys from their weekend of camping. That took a while for them to unload the trailer, get the ice chests clean, etc.
After lunch, I opened up the garage, aired up the tires, and started up the lawn mower. MY lawn mower. After a long winter's nap, it started right up! I was impressed! The first official grass-cutting of the year. It wasn't grass so much, as yellow weedy flowers. I didn't finish the entire yard, but got a lot done. A good start. Planted a few more things; some blueberry bushes, onions, banana peppers, etc. I came inside, ready to slip into the bathtub and have a nice leisurely soak only to find there was no hot water. Finally a phone call to hubby revealed the problem - the pilot light had gone out. I was able to relight it, and at long last soak away the grime and pollen.
Pollen...there is a coating of yellow dust EVERYWHERE. Allergies abound. The air had a sickly sweet smell to it yesterday. Hopefully that will soon be done.
While I was mowing, I thought about the difference between last Lent and this one. Last year started off slow, it seemed, but finished so well. This year, the opposite, so far. I think, that last year I went in with no expectations. I gave up what I gave up, but there was no thought about getting something in return. This year, I went in with my plan, but also with an idea of what I wanted God to accomplish, instead of allowing Him to surprise me and work in His way. Almost like giving God a "to-do" list. Well, you can see how well that worked!
Washed some more clothes. Helped Kid #1 with homework. Made my breakfast for tomorrow. Ironed a couple of pairs of pants.
Emailed my pastor about altar serving arrangements for the coming week - a very busy week as far as church services go. I addressed him as "Good Monsignor:" Had to smile when the reply came back, "Good Karen:" Especially in light of the fact that if things go according to plan (and we know how often THAT happens) I'll be sitting face to face in the confessional with him tomorrow morning. Irony at its best!
And tomorrow begins a new week. The holiest week of the year. We have school, of course, but can look forward to a long weekend. We will have a Tenebrae Service on Wednesday, The Mass of the Lord's Supper on Thursday, The Celebration of the Lord's Passion on Friday, and the joyous Easter Vigil on Saturday. I am looking forward to all of them.
Daily Rome Shot 1261 – starching
47 minutes ago
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