Continuing with the gratitude theme - leading up to Thanksgiving.
Sunday found me grateful for my big, orange, riding lawnmower. I got the back of the backyard mowed. It was SO dry. So I was also grateful for the Zyrtec that allowed me to continue to breathe after inhaling all that stuff.
Monday, I was thankful for my kids. Basically, good kids that keep my life interesting.
Tuesday, we're going with a religious theme. Today is my patron saint's feast day - St. Elizabeth of Hungary. So I am thankful for all the Saints that have gone before us: Sts. Elizabeth, Clare, Francis, and Anthony to name but a few. I am also grateful for St. Cody who taught me so much in the years he was in my class. I am grateful for the Eucharist (literally Thanksgiving) and the opportunities we have to receive. I had the opportunity to attend Mass at my kids' school this morning. We are so blessed.
Wednesday I was grateful that my stepson will be returning from Iraq for good - hopefully before Christmas.
Thursday I am thankful for the people that I work with. Some days they make it worthwhile.
Friday I am so thankful that it is Friday. And that we have an entire week off of school.
Saturday I am thankful that I am not at winter camp in the rain with my boys, and thankful that when I get there on Monday, the weather should be nice!
Daily Rome Shot 1263 – so it begins
7 hours ago
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