I had some "extra" time this afternoon, and thought I would go to the Adoration chapel down the road. It's been quite a while since I've been there. This parish has a 5:30 evening Mass, and I got there about 5:15. I walked into the chapel, signed in, genuflected, and then noticed (because another lady sitting there told me) that Jesus was gone! They had come and taken Him, she said, because there was going to be a procession after 5:30 Mass in honor of the Feast of Christ the King....
So I stayed for a little while, and other people came in and out. It was quiet, but it wasn't the same. Maybe next year, I will check into the procession. I wasn't quite sure how a procession through the streets at 6:30 in the evening - in the dark - was going to work out...
Daily Rome Shot 1263 – so it begins
7 hours ago
Processions are wonderful!! Even in the dark (Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes is in Feb) it's a blessed event. I hope you have the chance to jump in another time. We have one coming for Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 12th.